Nyheter och evenemang
Evenemang VT 2023
NPP presentationsveckor 2023
// F-E-G //

// F- E- G //

By Sarah Bellugi Klima 

Effigy // F- E- G // Agential complexities: what do I do now and what will you make of it? // If the carpet is pulled from under our feet, where will we land?  

Welcome to SKH  Brinellvägen 58 for this public presentation. I’m Sarah. Yet when we meet I will be other. Not myself but also not not-myself. During this time in NPP, a paradigm shift has been unfolding for me, in both relating to the world and to my art form. After leaving my beloved workplace at Skånes Dansteater, 18 years on, I have been asking myself: what is my place in this field of work (and in the world at large) now that the premises have changed? I know where I departed from, but not quite where I’m going. Where do we come from? How do we go toward that which we don’t know? Come with me, we will walk together, we will stand in the dark, perhaps sense a shift. Come with me again, you will now witness a stage presentation where, inspired by sci-fi writer Octavia Butler, I have explored ways of changing the perception of the body and its limits through a somatic-based practice, to find its dramaturgic potential and transform again. A journey through mismatches, dance, discomfort, stop/restart, aspects of clown technique, the unfinished, mists of change. What needs to be left behind in effigy, for a new vision of hope to materialize? 

“All that you touch / You Change. / All that you Change / Changes you. / The only lasting truth / is Change. / God / is Change.”  – Octavia Butler. 

Where / when

SKH at Brinellvägen 58, meet in studio 16 

•            26 April 19-20,15 

•            27 April 19-20,15 

•            28 April 11-12,15  

Book your seat here

Note: The number of participants is limited to 18. Participants will be asked to spend approximately 10 minutes in a completely dark room, guided by voice. The performer will be present and caring. 

Performer: Sarah Bellugi Klima 

Light Design and technique: Ronald Salas

Supervisors: Anna Adeniji and Mélanie Demers 

Advisors/ collaborators in studio: Per Sörberg, Rachel Tess, Arvid P. Westberg 

Image: Rebecca Hayward, “The Winner”, oil on linen glued on wood.

Photo: Rebecca Hayward

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