Moment is within momentous
MOMENT IS WITHIN MOMENTOUS is an invitation to a dancing practice within absurdity. It works in and out of visibility and pushes against the notion of a steady self. At the center of the practice is an interest in how the small throwaway thing is the big thing. How do moments accumulate over time and what do they form that we cannot foresee or control?
This sharing takes place as a performance at SKH in studio 16 at Brinellvägen 58, as well as an installation in the Storage Closet next to the Pilates room at B58, a publication, and a one-off collaborative event at Skeppsholmsstudion.
“Scores of geese go and the open sky holds—” --from the poem titled Your Own Duets (Your Dream of Flying)
Moment is within momentous: Studio 16
Title: Moment is within momentous: The Studio 16 sessions
Live practice, 45 min
Dates: 27, 28 April, 2 May
Time: 16h
Where: SKH Brinellvägen 58, Studio 16
Storage Closet at Brinellvägen 58
Moment is within momentous: The Storage Closet
Traces of my practice left in the form of a multimedia installation. Bring your mobile phone and headphones (if possible).
Open 12-14 in Week 17 at SKH Brinellvägen 58, Second Floor, Storage Closet beside the Pilates Room.
Open by appointment only in Week 18.
Email to confirm:
Push/ing on language aka I wanna be a ChatGPT
Players: Alexis Steeves, Sara Kaaman, Laressa Dickey
Done in collaboration with Räserbyrån and Skeppsholmsstudion.
Time: 5:30 PM, 30 April, 75 min
Skeppsholmsstudion, Slupskjulsvägen 34, 111 49 Stockholm
If you like DEAD RECKONING by Alexis Steeves, you might be interested in this. If you like A knot not by Sara Kaaman, you might be interested in this. If you like Moment is within momentous by Laressa Dickey, you might be interested in this.
You come. We show you what we do.
Concept, choreography, performance: Laressa Dickey
Installation design consultation: Ali Gharavi
Voice by Laressa Dickey, Lisa Nelson, and Weddell Seals (Douglas Quin recording)
Studio accompaniment: Alexis Steeves
Supervision: Jeanine Durning
SSFFN support: Darya Efrat and Sara Kaaman
Publication design: Sara Kaaman
Laressa Dickey is a dance artist and writer whose recent projects explore the politics of care, the effects of state violence on the human body, and space junk. Her practice is grounded in somatics and draws on research and metaphors related to life science, including embryology, as departure points for her artistic questions. Her work spans disciplines and modalities.