A thousand artistic possibilities in a uniquely multi-faceted environment
In focus
Departure 2023
Eleven new performances by and with students in mime acting at SKH 7-12 October 2023.
You can now apply for our courses!
You are welcome to apply for our courses, at both first and second cycle, until 16 October.
VIS Open Call #12
The call for participation in VIS – Nordic Journal for Artistic Research number 12 is open! The theme is Contemporary Ar(t)chaeology: A dead-alive of Artistic Re-search and History. The editors for this issue are Behzad Khosravi Noori and Magnus Bärtås.
This is SKH
Stockholm University of the Arts, SKH, offers education and research within the fields of Circus, Dance, Film and Media, Opera and Theatre. It is both one of the oldest higher education institutions in Stockholm – and one of the youngest.International cooperation
International cooperation is an important part of education and research at SKH. Through an active dialogue with external partners and close cooperation with universities around the world, we strengthen the quality of our education and research and give students and staff the possibility to develop.
Special educational support
At SKA, everyone should be able to study on equal terms and have the same opportunities to conduct their studies regardless of functional variation. If you as a student have a functional variation that affects your ability to study, you are entitled to special educational support.
SKH is looking for people who want to contribute to an attractive study, research and working environment. Here you will find job vacancies at SKH, plus links to trade union organisations, information on preferential rights and the criteria for applying for teaching positions.
Welcome to take part in SKH's wide range of public events. (During October we will revise the calendar, but until then all events are unfortunately shown in reverse chronological order ...)Congratulations Doctor Ester Martin Bergsmark!
2023-09-29Doctor Ester Martin Bergsmark successfully defended her artistic research project "voice under" on 29 September, 2023, within the PhD programme Performative and Media-Based Practices.
VIS Open Call #12
2023-09-27The call for participation in VIS – Nordic Journal for Artistic Research number 12 is open! The theme is Contemporary Ar(t)chaeology: A dead-alive of Artistic Re-search and History. The editors for this issue are Behzad Khosravi Noori and Magnus Bärtås.
A Season of Black Study
2023-09-20New seminar series! The seminar series A Season of Black Study, hosted by the research project FutureBrownSpace, is running throughout the autumn.