Collaboration with other Swedish higher education institutions
The University has several established collaborations with other higher education institutions in Stockholm and elsewhere in the country. Within these collaborations, students from different programmes study together and thus encounter different approaches to different issues.
Interaction of the programmes with the surrounding community
The aim is both to allow students to meet the future labour market and the audience, and to give these groups an entry point into the university's various activities in order to disseminate and build up knowledge in this way. Through public performances on the University´s own stages and on professional stages, as well as through tours in, for example, a school environment, the university's students meet both experienced and unaccustomed audiences. The artistic programmes that are not stage-based meet their audiences in a similar way, for example at festivals. The Dance Pedagogy Programme and the Teacher Education Programme in Dance meet the groups of children, young people and pupils with whom they will work after graduation through their practical training.
Collaboration with external partners
The University also works on knowledge transfer through collaboration with external partners.
Encounters with the professional world
Encounters with the professional world are central to the development of the programmes. In addition to the use of established artists as guest lecturers, dialogue with the profession is an important source of inspiration for the type of independent courses to be offered by the University and for the development of its programmes. Networking, with different parts of the sectors concerned by the University's activities, is another important way of working. Examples of targeted activities that enable the University's students to meet the labour market include practical training and internships, and performances given in collaboration with professional artists and stages.
Research interaction with the wider community
Every year, the SKH organises some forty seminars, presentations, lectures and workshops, among other things with the aim of raising and bringing to life issues that are rooted in the specific research questions of the various fields of research.
Examples of collaboration are when we invite institutions, companies and organisations representing the artistic fields represented within the SKH to discuss and create an understanding of how research can be developed in dialogue with the various sectors.
The PhD candidates discuss their research with a number of groups outside the University, mainly in relation to the themes they worked on in their research, but there is also a lot of interest from the different fields they themselves are part of. In this way, the insights of the research are disseminated to a variety of audiences outside the university. The SKH also participates actively in a number of national and international research networks, such as the Society for Artistic Research (SAR).