Programmes and courses
Production Design - master

Production Design - master

The Master's Programme in Film and Media, with specialisation in Production Design is aimed at those who wish to specialise in and deepen their knowledge about production design. The programme qualifies the student for third-cycle studies and consists of two years of full-time studies at second cycle level.

Being a producer in film, television and new media means varied work spanning many fields of knowledge ranging from project, talent and content development to budgeting, financing, negotiation, legal and copyright issues as well as work management. The producer has the overall responsibility to drive the development of a production from start to finish, that the agreed quality and vision is maintained and that production is performed within the given cost framework. The work also involves planning the distribution and marketing of the production.

The Master's Programme in Film and Media, with specialisation in Production Design

The Master's Programme in Film and Media is a programme for going more indepth that is also research preparatory and has a common programme structure for all specialisations. In the programme’s theory courses, students are introduced to different perspectives on knowledge, theory, reflection and artistic research methods.

The specialisation producer for film, television and new media is one of the team specialisations in the master's programme that forms film teams and collaborations. The students work together on joint lab courses where they explore different forms of film, television and new media. Here you can get the experience of producing different types of film, such as feature film, documentary film and art film - for different platforms and in shorter and longer formats. You gain an in-depth knowledge of film making as a process from script to finished film.

The programme also has methodology courses specific to the specialisation. As a master’s student in the specialisation producer for film, TV and new media, you will deepen your knowledge of how you develop, create conditions for and plan, run and implement a film project from idea to finished film. Teaching is given in project development, dramaturgy, production management, budgeting, planning recording, law, financing and marketing. The insights and knowledge that you acquire in the specific courses inthe specialisation are applied in the lab courses and film exercises, which are carried out in teams.

During the programme you will have many opportunities for interactions across traditional professional boundaries, for example through elective courses that are common to the university’s departments. Here, each student identifies his or her need for further knowledge.

The programme leads to gaining specialist knowledge that prepares for research and for being able to work as a producer.

Language of instruction

Please note! The language of instruction for this programme is Swedish. If you apply and you are admitted to the programme, you need show that you are eligible in Swedish June 21st 2021 at the latest. Please go to the programme's page on our Swedish website for more information.



Study period: Autumn semester 2023

Education scope: 120 credits, four semester's fulltime studies

Teaching language: Swedish

Study location: Stockholm

Study pace: 100 %

Subject area: Film and Media

Application period: 1 December 2022 - 16 January 2023

Course syllabus/programme syllabus:Download

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