Programmes and courses
Radio - master

Radio - master

The Master's Programme in Film and Media, with specialisation Radio is aimed at you who wish to specialise in radio storytelling in serial format. You will mainly focus on documentary series, but there is also the opportunity to engage in radio drama series. The programme qualifies the student for third-cycle studies and consists of two years of full-time studies at second cycle level.

This programme has Swedish as main language of instruction.You apply for the programme from our Swedish website:

In the specialisation Radio journalists, documentary makers, and artists for example, can deepen and develop their knowledge radio storytelling. Radio series can range from the journalistic to the more artistic, they can be personal or investigative. It is up to you to choose the form that interests you.

The Master's Programme in Film and Media, with specialisation in Radio

The Master's Programme in Film and Media is a programme for going more indepth that is also research preparatory and has a common programme structure for all specialisations. In the programme’s theory courses, students are introduced to different perspectives on knowledge, theory, reflection and artistic research methods.

The programme also has methodology courses specific to the specialisation. As a master’s student in radio you immerse yourself in research and idea development, interview and editing as well as dramaturgy and music-making.

The insights and knowledge that you acquire in the specialisation-specific method courses are applied and later further explored in lab courses. Under supervision, you develop your creative processes and formulate and solve advanced artistic and design problems.

During the program you work with an artistic development work and you will discuss and analyze artistic courage and ethical approaches, investigate how to find and develop a story that works in serial format and how you can work with different documentary and artistic methods. You will independently reflect and formulate yourself about your work.

You take part in current artistic research and immerse yourself in processes and methods that are relevant in that field of research. During the programme you will have many opportunities for interactions across traditional professional boundaries, for example through elective courses that are common to the university’s departments. Here, each student identifies his or her need for further knowledge.

The programme leads to gaining specialist knowledge that prepares for research and for being able to work with radio in serie format.


Study period: Autumn term 2022

Education scope: 120 credits, four semester’s fulltime studies

Teaching language: Swedish

Study location: Stockholm

Study pace: 100 %

Subject area: Film and Media

Application period: 1 December 2021- 17 January 2022

Course syllabus/programme syllabus:Download

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