The Art of Impact - master
The Art of Impact is a low-residency programme with one–two residencies each semester spread out across Europe. In-between the education will be online. The premises at Stockholm University of the Arts are open for you throughout the whole programme.
Working in different formats and new technology on digital platforms, the students will deepen their understanding of storytelling and its potential impact on their audiences. Methods of studying the audience through analysing audience psychology and perception, as well as hands-on experimenting with creative ways to engage and communicate with the audience will be at the core of this specialisation.
Questions around the nature, role and praxis of entrepreneurship and leadership within the cultural and creative fields will be explored:
- World-building methodology (for collaborative creative processes and storytelling)
- Digitality, strategies for change and value creation (from innovation in arts to social innovation)
- Impact production (cultural and creative leadership and entrepreneurship applied).
Master’s programme in Film and Media with specialisation The Art of Impact
The Master's Programme in Film and Media is both in-depth and research-preparation with a common programme structure for all specialisations. In the theoretical courses, students are introduced to different perspectives on knowledge, theory, reflection and artistic research methods.
The education also has specific specialisation method courses. As a master's student in The Art of Impact, you will learn about different methods of studying the audience. The insights and knowledge that you acquire in the specific specialisation method courses you apply and explore further in different themes, expressions, formats and more.
During the programme, you get many opportunities for meetings cross traditional boundaries, for example through elective courses that are common to the departments of the university. The students identifies their need for additional knowledge.
The education will give you specialised knowledge that prepares you for research and to work with facts, fiction and experimental stories that aim to explore the art of influencing society and the impact of society on the story.
Study period: Planned start autumn 2024
Education scope: 120 credits, four semester’s fulltime studies
Teaching language: English
Study location: Distance
Study pace: 100 %
Subject area: Film and Media
Application period: Planned 1 December 2023- 15 January 2024
Course syllabus/programme syllabus:Download