Special educational support
If you are a student at Stockholm University of the Arts with one or more functional variances that have an impact on your studies, you are welcome to apply for special educational support. It could for example be reading and writing disabilities/Dyslexia, Mental Illness, Neuropsychiatric Variations, Hearing Loss, Vision Impairment, Physical Functional Variance or a chronical disease. You need to have a certification for your functional variance.
A functional variance/disability is, according to the Discrimination Act (SFS 2008:567):
“permanent physical, mental or intellectual limitation of a person’s functional capacity that as a consequence of injury or illness existed at birth, has arisen since then or can be expected to arise.”
What kind of support you get depends on what kind of impact your functional variance has on your studies. The support is planned and framed together with you as a student. All students should be able to achieve the same educational goals.
Temporary injury
If you have a temporary injury or illness, this support does not apply to you. If you need temporary support, you can contact the head of your programme or course at your department.
Make sure to apply early
It is important that the discussion about the special pedagogical support can start immediately after your acceptance to your programme/course.
Make sure to have a certificate from a doctor, speech therapist or equivalent before you apply for special pedagogical support.
How to apply:
- Apply for special pedagogical support by contacting the coordinator. You can find the contact information further down on this page.
- After you have sent your application you will receive an email from the coordinator to book a meeting.
- Make sure to bring with you certificate to the meeting with the coordinator. Do not send sensitive information such as a certificate from a doctor with an email.
- If you are not able to show a certificate confirming functional variance or are not registered on a programme or a course the application will not be approved.
- When you are a registered student at Stockholm University of the Arts, a decision will be made about the special pedagogical support for you. You will receive a copy of the decision and recommended measures for special pedagogical support that you can show to your teachers.
We recommend you show the decision and recommended measures to your teachers.
If you already have a decision on special pedagogical support, you are always welcome to contact the coordinator.
Different kinds of support
There are different kinds of special pedagogical support that you as a student can receive. The type of support that you will get is based on the need you have. It may, for example be audiobooks, access to an interpreter, extended time in examinations or note support.
Coordinator: Tomas Nilsson
E-mail: pedagogisktstod@uniarts.se