Extended educational informaiton
Admission process for Creating New Opera - master

Admission process for Creating New Opera - master

Time plan 2020

January 15: Application deadline

Week 6-7: Notification regarding who is being called to complete a test on site in Stockholm

Week 10: Test on site in Stockholm

Week 16: Notification regarding admission and possible placement on a waiting list.

Entry requirements

The assessment of qualifications is done in three steps.

A. Based on the submitted documentation, the following are assessed: general entry requirements for second-cycle studies, specific entry requirements in the form of a Degree of Bachelor of Fine Arts and English 5. If you lack any part of these qualifications but can demonstrate equivalent knowledge in another manner, you can apply for the assessment of prior learning. You may be called to an on-site test for assessment of prior learning equivalent to a Degree of Bachelor of Fine Arts and/or English 5. The tests are conducted in conjunction with other tests on site. Information on different ways to meet the English proficiency requirement is available here.

B. Based on submitted work samples, one out of three criteria is assessed in the qualification test*.

C. The other two criteria in the qualification test* are assessed based on on-site tests and the submitted material.

* Qualification test

The qualification test is assessed by the admission group. The assessment is performed on the basis of three general criteria. To pass the qualification test, the candidate must get a passing grade on all three criteria. The three criteria are listed below, along with a breakdown of the criteria to clarify how the assessment is conducted, and a description of the basis used for the assessment.


  1. Artistic skills within the specialisation to which the application refers:
  • Independent artistic expression/interpretative ability
  • Technical expertise

The assessment is based on the submitted work samples.


  1. Ability to collaborate in exploratory artistic processes:
  • Ability to collaborate
  • Ability to apply an interdisciplinary and exploratory approach

The assessment is based on tests on-site consisting of a collaborative exercise and an interview.


  1. Ability to artistically express oneself and engage in discussion in a wider context and one that is relevant to the programme:
  • The relevance of the topic to the field of opera
  • The topic's development potential
  • Ability to articulate one’s artistic practice
  • Ability to relate one’s own artistry to a wider context

The assessment is based on the submitted topic, the motivation letter and an on-site interview.

Selection process

If there are more applicants than available spots on the programme, an admission group will make a selection. In the selection, the same criteria are used as in the qualification test, but the scale for scoring has been developed to enable a ranking instead of simply Pass/Fail (see the matrix below). The basis for the selection consists of the submitted material and the on-site tests. This basis differs from the one used for the assessment of qualifications only in that it also includes an on-site work test within the specialisation being applied to.

Tests on site

The tests on site in Stockholm will take three days. You will not be busy with the tests for the entire time during these three days but will be given specific times for when you are to complete the three tests:

On-site specialisation test
A practical test within the specialisation you have applied for. The content and length vary depending on the specialisation. More information is given in the notice. 

Collaborative exercise
Collaboration is essential for the programme. This is an exercise where you work as a group to solve an artistic problem but where your part in the assignment does not necessarily have anything to do with your own discipline. A joint presentation is part of the test. 

Duration of test: approximately 5 hours including lunch.

The admission group conducts an oral interview with you on site where you are questioned about the investigative work you wish to do during the programme and your motivation for applying to the programme. Your background in terms of, for example, previous education, specific areas of interest and specialisation may also be addressed.

Duration of test: approximately 20 minutes.

Admission group

The assessment of the qualification test and selection test is performed by an admission group with expert knowledge relevant to the programme. It is comprised of both teachers from Stockholm University of the Arts and from the Royal College of Music.

Matrix for assessment of qualifications and selection

Assessment and points Artistic skills within the specialisation being applied to Ability to collaborate in exploratory artistic processes Ability to artistically express oneself and engage in discussion in a wider context and one that is relevant to the programme
Selection criterion (3) Demonstrates very good ability in terms of independent artistic expression and technical expertise relevant to the programme. Demonstrates very good ability to collaborate through applying an interdisciplinary and exploratory approach. Demonstrates very good ability in terms of relevant reflections and discussions regarding their artistic practice in relation to the field of opera.
Selection criterion (2) Demonstrates good ability in terms of independent artistic expression and technical expertise relevant to the programme, and with a good margin for what is required for a passing grade. Demonstrates good ability to collaborate through applying an interdisciplinary and exploratory approach, with a good margin for what is required for a passing grade. Demonstrates good ability in terms of relevant reflections and discussions regarding their artistic practice in relation to the field of opera, with a good margin for what is required for a passing grade.
Pass on the qualification test (1) Demonstrates sufficient ability in terms of independent artistic expression and technical expertise relevant to the programme. Demonstrates sufficient ability to collaborate through applying an interdisciplinary and exploratory approach Demonstrates sufficient ability in terms of relevant reflections and discussions regarding their artistic practice in relation to the field of opera.
Fail on the qualification test (0) Does not demonstrate sufficient ability in terms of independent artistic expression and technical expertise relevant to the programme. Does not demonstrate sufficient ability to collaborate through applying an interdisciplinary and exploratory approach. Does not demonstrate sufficient ability in terms of relevant reflections and discussions regarding their artistic practice in relation to the field of opera.
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