Selection Process for the Bachelor's Programme in Mime Acting
The selection to the Bachelor Programme in Mime Acting is made by selection tests. The assessment of the applicants in the selection tests is made by an admission group with expertise that reflects the current programme. The admission group that makes the assessment consists of teachers at the programme, and professionals from the field. A student representative will also participate in the admission group, the student has the right to express an opinion but not the right to make a decision.
After each stage of the process there will be a decision on who will proceed to the next step. Everyone is informed of whether they will proceed or not.
Time plan and description of the selection tests
Selection test 1
Selection test 1 is based on submitted material. The last day to submit your application is 16 January 2023. For more information on what to submit, see the tab "How to apply" on the programme page.
A part of the admission group will make a first selection of the applicants based on the submitted material. No live participation of applicant is needed. After selection test 1, the admission group makes a selection of applicants that proceed to selection test 2. All applicants will be notified of the result by email via Varbi by the middle of March.
Selection test 2
Selection test 2 requires live presence and takes place at Stockholm University of the Arts in Stockholm during:
11, 12, 13 or 14 April 2023
Applicants attend one of the days either morning or afternoon. You can not choose the day and time yourself.
Applicants participate in workshops, both in groups and individually, on the subjects of dance, acrobatics and mime
Once the second round of tests has been completed, the admission group will decide who will proceed to the next step. All those who have taken part in test 2 will be informed in the late afternoon/evening of 14 April whether or not they have proceeded to selection test 3.
Selection test 3
The test requires live presence and takes place at Stockholm University of the Arts in Stockholm during:
17, 18 and 19 April 2023
If you are called to the test, you must be able to participate all three days.
Selection test 3 consists of several parts, individually and in groups. Applicants will participate in a joint lesson in mime acting and improvisation. Individual assignments are distributed and reported individually during the day.
Once the third round of tests has been completed, the admission group will decide who will proceed to the next step. All those who have taken part in test 3 will be informed late afternoon/evening 19 April whether or not they proceeded to selection test 4.
Selection test 4
The test requires live presence and takes place at Stockholm University of the Arts in Stockholm during:
20 April and 21 April 2023
Applicants will attend both days. If you are called to the test, you must be able to participate both days.
Selection test 4 consists of an individual presentation, a group assignment and an interview.
Assessment criteria
The selection is based on following criteria:
- Ability to prepare an elaborate scene
- Clear musicality in movement
- Ability to tell/create stories on stage
- Motor skills
- Physical expression (physical and spatial choices)
- Adaptability of the body (ability to adapt to different expressions of movement)
- Creativity
- Ability to link body, voice and creativity to scenic choices
- Improvisation skills (individually and with others)
- Co-operative skills in solving scenic tasks
- Good listening skills (towards the stage, the task, the partner and oneself)
- Attendance in stage tasks
- Ability to assimilate the training
Important to know about the selection procedure
Every applicant will receive notification of whether they have proceeded to the next part of the process or not. More detailed information on what will be included in each test and how to prepare will be communicated on an ongoing basis. All communication takes place via Varbi and the e-mail address you used in your application.
You are responsible for monitoring your e-mail including your spam inbox so that you do not miss important information from us.
You cannot choose the test dates yourself and we are very restrictive about changing the day and time of the tests. Changes are only allowed in exceptional circumstances and we cannot guarantee that you will be offered a new test date, so make sure to save all the dates in your calendar.
The admission group gives no justification for their decision after tests 1, 2 and 3. Only after the last selection round, test 4, will the applicants, who hasn't been admitted, have the opportunity for a follow-up conversation with one of the members of the admission group.
After selection test 4 the admission group decides which of the applicants that will be admitted and who will be on the waiting list. Notification of admission or reserve placement will be made via on 5 May 2023. If you are admitted to the programme, you will need to answer whether or not you wish to attend the programme. If you do not reply within the period indicated on the admission notification, you will lose your place and it will be offered to the next in line on the waiting list.