Extended educational informaiton
Selection tests bachelor circus

Information about the Selection tests

Time plan:

16 January 2023                       Last day of application

30 January - 10 March            Selection test 1 and 2 

13 March                                   Invitation to Selection 3

27 March – 6 April 2023            Selection 3

5 May 2023                                Decisions Sent

  • Video #1 CDT: Circus Discipline technique
  • ​Video #2: CA: Circus Act
  • Video #3: AI: Artistic and individual aims and intrests

Clarification: Please note that the dates above specify the dates the assestments are made. The results will be made official as soon as possible after the assestments are done and may be sent out after the final date specified above. 

More information about the videos can be found in the file "Checklist and application guide" on the main page for the bacherlor programme. 

Selection test 1: Circus discipline  - technical level and presentation

Basis for assessment: Video 1# CDT

Evaluation period: 30 January - 10 March 2023      


The assessment of the first selection test is done from Video #1 CDT, that you have uploaded in VARBI only. Additional videos or web links are not assessed. The assessment is done by a smaller admission group.


The aim of the test is for the admission group to assess your skill level within your primary discipline and overall technical level.


You shall present skills in your primary discipline that demonstrate the range and level of your ability in that discipline, maximum 3 minutes.

Basis for assessment

The admission group assesses your:

  • circus technical level
  • movement qualities
  • skill range of repertoire
  • level of disciplinary skill.

After the Selection test 1 the admission group decides which of the applicants will pass on to Selection test 2. All the applicants will be informed of the result through Varbi. Selection test 2 will be conducted using videos #2 CA and Video #3 AI, uploaded with the application.

Selection test 2

Basis for assessment:

  • Video 2# CA
  • Video3# AI

Evaluation period: 30 January -10 March 2023 


The assessment of the second selection test is done from Videos #2 and #3 that you have uploaded in VARBI only. Additional web links are not assessed.

Video #2: Circus Act


The aim of the test is for you to show your circus technical and artistic ability through the presentation of your circus act.


You shall present a circus act in your primary discipline that is maximum 5 minutes.

Basis for assessment

The admission group assesses your :

  •  circus technical repertoire and abilities
  • artistic performance regarding movement qualities, musicality/timing, stage presence and performance.

Video #3: AI


The aim of the test is for you to show your additional artistic ability, skills, interests, and personality through in whatever way best represents those skills/interests.


Presentation/demonstration of individual skills/interests maximum 4 minutes

Basis for assessment

The admission group assesses creativity, breadth and depth of skills in domains you choose to present

After the Selection test 2 the admission group decides which of the applicants that will pass on to Selection test 3. All the applicants will be informed of the result through VARBI beginning 13 March 2023. 

Selection test 3

Evaluation period: 27 March - 6 April 2023    

  • Coaching Session in Circus Discipline
  •  Interview

Coaching Session in Circus Discipline


The aim of the test is for you to show your physical ability and potential in the circus discipline you apply with.


In a distance-learning context, you will work together with a teacher in the discipline you apply with. The test consists of more advanced exercises in the discipline you have applied with. It might also contain more advanced exercises in strength, stretch and/or acrobatics. The exact nature of the session will depend upon the discipline and resources available to the applicant. More information will be provided to applicants before selection test 3.

Basis for Assessment

The admission group assesses your:

  • Technical ability
  • Potential to develop in the chosen circus discipline.
  • Ability to absorb instructions.

The discipline teachers are advisory in the assessment of the test in circus discipline.


Aim and content

The aim is to get a personal contact with you, hear you talk about your expectations of the education, your views on circus as an art form and goals as a circus artist. You will also have the opportunity to ask questions. The interviews are individual together with a smaller part of the admission group (2 – 3 persons).


The interview is not assessed.

After the Selection test 3 the admission group decides which of the applicants that will be admitted and who will be on the waiting list. All the applicants will be informed of the result 5 May 2023.

Assessment of the tests

The technical level and abilities are assessed according to:

  • Presentations (safe and technically controlled performance)
  • Broad knowledge in circus technique
  • Flexibility
  • Coordination

The artistic ability is assessed according to:

  • Movement qualities
  • Stage Presence
  • Creativity
  • Musicality

The scale for the various assessments is:

1. The applicant does not display the requested ability.

2. The applicant is able to show the requested ability to some extent.

3. The applicant is able to properly display the requested ability.

4. The applicant is able to show the requested ability with ease.

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