Selection tests Bachelor Programme in Dance performance
The assessment of the applicants in the selection tests is made by an admission group with expertise that reflects the current programme. The assessment is based on the joint experience and expertise and their ability to assess the applicants’ potential for development and capacity to handle the demands of the programme. The admission group that makes the assessment consists of teachers at the programme, dancers and choreographers from the field. A student representative will also participate in the admission group, but will not take part in the final assessment.
Time plan
- Last day of application: 17 January 2022.
- Selection test 1: Takes place during January 2022 and will be based on the material (your video) that you submit with your application. No live participation is necessary.
- Invitation to selection test 2: Will be sent out in the middle of March 2022 and will contain a new set of instructions for another video to be submitted. No live participation is necessary.
- Selection test 3: Takes place April 4-8 2022. You will find out by April 1st if you are to participate in this final selection test. It will be held entirely online but have live moments.
- Admission decisions: are published 6 May 2022 on My pages on
Selection Test 1 – Video
Selection test 1 takes place in January. A part of the admission group will make a first selection of the applicants based on the submitted material (your video). No live participation of applicant is needed.
The purpose of selection test 1 is for you to work in your own time and space with your movement qualities, coordination and physical awareness, as well as your way of navigating given instructions.
Selection test 1 includes two exercises. Please see detailed instructions under the heading “How to apply”.
The admission group will observe and assess your ability and potential to work with specific movement materials, your ability to move and relate to the space and how you apply your dance technical abilities in relation to this. They will also observe and assess your movement qualities, coordination and physical potential and awareness, as well as your ability to process given instructions, principles and tasks. The admission group will also observe and assess your capacity to solve tasks and observe how you develop an individual approach to the material. The assessment criteria are described below.
After selection test 1, the admission group makes a selection of applicants that proceed to selection test 2. All applicants will be notified of the result by email by the middle of March.
Selection Test 2 – Video
The digital materials of selection test 2 will be assessed by the admission group from March 28-31. The test is divided into 4 subtests. No live participation of applicant is needed.
Subtest 1, Solo
The purpose of this subtest is for you to choose and frame movement qualities and material that you identify with artistically and physically.
You will be asked to prepare and record a solo of maximum 2 minutes.
The purpose of this selection moment is to observe you work with your dancing, composing and performing skills. The assessment criteria are described below.
Subtest 2, Reflection
The purpose of this subtest is for you to work with reflection and verbal articulation.
The subtest consists of verbally reflecting on your solo.
The purpose of this selection moment is to listen to your verbal articulation in relation to your own work. The assessment criteria are described below.
Subtest 3, Musicality
The purpose of this subtest is for the admission group to observe how you work with musicality and awareness of dynamic rhythm.
The subtest consists of dancing to a selected range of music.
The purpose of this selection moment is to observe how you work with rhythm, dynamics and musicality. The assessment criteria are described below.
Subtest 4, Exercise and phrase
The purpose of this subtest is for the admissions group to observe and assess your ability to work with and relate to instructions.
The subtest consists of making an exercise and a phrase.
The purpose of this selection moment is to observe how you respond to a provided set of instructions and concepts.
After selection test 2, the admission group makes a selection of applicants that proceed to selection test 3. All applicants will be notified of the result by email on the 1st of April.
Selection Test 3 – Online live
Selection test 3 is divided into 2 subtests and takes place during 4-7 April. The tests requires live presence, online.
Subtest 1, Workshop
The purpose is to give you an opportunity to work in a group, contribute with ideas and work together with others with a choreographer/teacher.
The workshop is led by a choreographer/teacher and focuses on their working methods, questions and physical language.
The admission group will observe and assess how you interact in the group and how you contribute to the process and work with the suggested artistic methods. The assessment criteria are described below.
Subtest 2, Interview
Purpose and content
The purpose of the interview is to get a more personal contact with you and talk about your thoughts and ideas around dance and choreography, your vision regarding your future in dance and your expectations of such a programme. The interviews take place individually with a smaller part of the admission group (2-3 persons).
After selection test 3 the admission group will suggest which applicants are to be admitted and which applicants should be put on the waiting list.
Criteria for assessment of applicants
The assessment of the applicants in the selection tests is made by an admission group with expertise that reflects the current education. The assessment is based on the joint experience and expertise and their ability to assess the applicants’ potential for development and capacity to handle the demands of the education. The assessment is made on a scale (1-5) where 1 is the lowest assessment and 5 the highest. The assessment relates to the aims for the different selection tests. The interview, however, will not be judged based on the following criteria.
The criteria for the different assessments are:
- The applicant does not demonstrate the requested ability or potential.
- The applicant to some extent demonstrates the requested ability or potential.
- The applicant demonstrates the requested ability or potential.
- The applicant demonstrates well the requested ability or potential.
- The applicant demonstrates very well the requested ability or potential