Article and research databases
DramaOnline Core Collection over 1775 playtexts of plays by the world's leading dramatists.
ERIC the world's largest free database in education and pedagogy
Google Scholar Google's search engine that searches information in scientific and academic web sources.
International Bibliography of Theatre & Dance database with articles about dance and theatre
JSTOR database with articles in arts and humanities
Nick Hern Books Modern Plays contains over 625 plays from many of Britain's and Ireland's leading playwrights
nkoda is a digital sheet music library. You can download the sheet music, use it offline, annotate it, and share it with others. It is not possible to print. Follow the manual NEW DATABASE
Oxford Music Online includes Grove Music online and has over 52 000 articles written by scholars
Performance design Archive Collection Database for scenography, costume and design
Performing Arts Periodicals Database articles about performing arts
Project Muse peer-reviewed articles and books in the field of humanities and social science
Research databases
CARP - Circus Arts Research Platform is a collaboration between research institutes in the circus field
DiVA essays, theses and other publications from SKH, Stockholm University of the Arts
DiVA essays, theses and other publications from about 49 Swedish universities
GUPEA publications from Gothenburg University
LUCRIS Lund University's research portal
SwePub all academic publications at Swedish universities
Research Catalogue international database for artistic research