Mia Engberg’s Making Public
The doctoral project Darkness as Material examines darkness as material and its relationship to cinematic storytelling. The project is inspired by Marguerite Duras' idea to kill cinema, and it explores film's potential to approach the place she described as the dark room, where we are deaf and blind, and passion is possible.
18:00 Refreshments in Filmhuset Bar & Bistro
19:00 Short presentation of the project
19:15 Digital publishing of the PhD thesis Darkness as material on platform DIVA
19:20 Screening of film Secrets of the Sun
20:45 End of event
Public defence
Mia Engberg will defend her artistic thesis on 24 November 2023.
Price: Free entry, but reserve your seat. Booking link is coming.
Location: Filmhuset, Bio Mauritz, Borgvägen 3