During two years, the MA students in performing arts have explored the most burning, delicate, or thought provoking questions in their artistic practice. Now they are summarising their explorations. During four days you have the chance to attend the presentations of their work.
Carlos G. Torres – Untitled
With four actors.
Tuesday 2 May at 13.00–14.00
Sophie Säther Mahfouf – Helpful vs non-helpful
Presentation as well as film screening. Processes from script preparation to the performative meeting with an audience. An exploration of the methods and processes in film and stage for actors, directors, and film workers working as ensembles.
Tuesday 2 May at 16:00–17:00
Simon Rydén – titta på moln
titta på moln (cloud gazing) is a multimedia experiment that combines aleatoric music, generative video art and contemporary dance. The performance, (which is part of a master's work) invites the audience to a slowly changing landscape of sound and movement.
Wednesday 3 May at 13:00–14:00
Alice Presencer – The Communication of a Familiar Vessel
This performance is a response to the linguistic-oriented world of counter-intuitive rationale.
Wednesday 3 May at 14:30–15:30
Marta Banal Fernández – Is my scenographic practice sustainable?
A presentation of the artistic research project that has explored materiality and methods in scenography, both artistic and technical practices from the sustainability perspective.
Thursday 4 May at 13:00–14:00
Eszter Mag – ProjectMorpheo
An attempt to explore the fragile connections between the world of dreams and the very physically existing materials that surround us in everyday life.
Thursday 4 May at 14:30–15:30
Ann-Sofie Nurmi – A lecture performance on presence
I have during my Master tried to catch when we reach presence as actors in the rehearsal and workshop process.
Thursday 4 May at 18:00–19:00
Eva von Hofsten – Respons-Ability
A presentation of an artistic research project that has explored performative communication, connection and responding to children and young audiences who because of their neurodiversity’s has the most barriers to access.
Friday 5 May at 13:00–14:00
Ellen Lindhagen – Work in progress
How can one use ones body as a tool for dramaturgical analysis? What does it mean for the dramaturge to be physically engaged in the creative process? The project departs from physical and phenomenological aspects of dramaturgical work.
Friday 5 May at 14:30–15:30
Marie Dahlén – RNDR M3 4S (1) 0F UR AVATAR GRLS*
[render me as one of your avatar girls (boys, nonbies or whatever you want to define as)] Virtual Performance Avatar Experience. An Embodied Autoethnographic Case Study.
Friday 5 May at 16:00–17:00
Price: Free of charge.
Location: Stockholm University of the Arts
Other: Please note that Eszter Mag's presentation is already fully booked, but for other presentations no pre-booking is needed. The presentations will be filmed/photographed for documentation.