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Events Spring 2023
SKH Dance Open Lectures: Mmatumisang Motsisi

SKH Dance Open Lectures: Mmatumisang Motsisi

Fish out of Water: Co-creating belonging through site-orientated performance. An open lecture with Mmatumisang Motsisi performing artist. educator and artist. SKH Dance Open Lectures at SKH Brinellvägen 58 are open to everyone inside and outside SKH.

Fish out of Water: Co-creating belonging through site-orientated performance

There are many definitions linked to belonging, most of which acknowledge that belonging is “relational and complex”. Relationality refers to belonging as a practice of being related to people or place. Authors Vanessa May and Stewart Muir define it as a “process of creating a sense of identification with, or connection to, cultures, people, places and material objects”. Researcher Nira Yuval-Davis puts forth a social and political understanding that differentiates between three facets of belonging, namely, place, people and positionality. Using this concept of belonging I reflect on the process of creating two site-orientated student productions namely, At Her Feet written by Nadia Davids and co-directed by Tiffani Dlamini as well as #MirrorBall co-created by lighting designer, Alex Brits. 

Mmatumisang Motsisi

Mmatumisang Motsisi is a theatre-maker, educator and performer based in Stellenbosch, South Africa. She facilitates meaning-making through the body as the primary means of discovery, exploration and expression. Her work emerges from a curiosity around People, Place and Positionality. She is currently pursuing a Dual Award PhD in Higher Education at Stellenbosch University and Coventry University.


SKH Dance Open Lectures

SKH Dance Open Lectures is a recurring lecture series where we welcome the public to join in as dancers and academics associated with the dance education at SKH share their work and ideas in a variety of forms and formats.




Past dates
Tuesday 10 Oct, 17:00-18:00

Price: Free of charge! No need to register.

Location: SKH Brinellvägen 58 Stockholm Room G

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