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Events Spring 2023
Tove Dahlberg’s public defence

Tove Dahlberg’s public defence

The public defence of Tove Dahlberg’s doctoral project at Stockholm University of the Arts, will take place on 26 May 2023.

The doctoral artistic research project Släpp sångarna loss! Genus, gestaltningsnormer och konstnärligt handlingsutrymme i opera (in English "Unchain the Singer! Gender, Performance Norms and Artistic Agency in Opera") by Tove Dahlberg was published in DiVA and Research Catalogue on 21 April, 2023. The language of the publication is Swedish. 

Follow the Public defence digitally via Zoom: 
Tove Dahlberg's Public defence via Zoom
Via Zoom, the defence will be simultaneously interpreted into English. Those who wish to listen to the translation on location in Hugoteatern need to bring a mobile phone with the Zoom application installed and a set of headphones.  

Släpp sångarna loss! 

How can the artistic agency of the opera singer be expanded? This is one of the questions in the artistic research project (doctoral thesis) Släpp sångarna loss! (“Unchain the Singer!”) where Tove Dahlberg, in collaboration with other professionals in the performing arts, investigates gender and performance norms in the world of opera. With scenes from the standard repertoire and newly written pieces as working material, new tools and approaches are developed. Theoretical perspectives are transformed into a vocal and bodily practice. Along the way, performance conventions are explored – how they differ for different voice types and how they can be changed. Tove Dahlberg challenges how canonized roles are usually portrayed and what is included in the singer's professional role. She also examines the portrayal of intimacy and differences between security and trust. Unchain the Singer! articulates the singer's practical knowledge and offers a language for thinking and speaking about gender and performance norms in opera. The research project highlights that the singer has other competences to offer in addition to their creative work on the role, it challenges hierarchies between different professional groups in the opera industry and shows the possibilities that exist in a freer approach to the written works.


10.00-10.10 Welcome by Lise-Lotte Axelsson, Head of Department of Opera and opening by Chair Cecilia Roos, Vice-Rector  at Research at SKH. 
10.10-10.35 Respondent's presentation of research projects
10.35-11.35 Opponent's summary and discussion between opponent and respondent.
11.35-12.00 Break
12.00-12.40 Questions from the Examination committee
12.40 Questions from the audience
Break for the audience, Examination committee deliberates and then announces the results.

Astrid Kvalbein

Examination committee:
Göran Gademan, Katarina A Karlsson och Camilla Damkjæer. Reserv Jon Refsdal Moe

Wilhelm Carlsson (Principal), Tiina Rosenberg. 

The defence is held in Swedish. 
Via Zoom, the defence will be simultaneously interpreted into English. Those who wish to listen to the translation on location in Hugoteatern need to bring a mobile phone with the Zoom application installed and a set of headphones.  

For the Public defence, the thesis text will also be available in book form, published by Gidlunds förlag.

Photographer: Hanna Andersson


Past dates
Friday 26 May, 10:00-15:00

Price: Free entry, but book your seat in Hugoteatern via the booking link.

Location: On location: Hugoteatern at Teknikringen 35. On Zoom: link to come

Other: The time of the Public defence is preliminary. The defence has no fixed end time, as the Examination Committee must have the opportunity to ask the questions they deem necessary. ------ We are following the General Data Regulation: By registering for this seminar, you are giving your consent to Stockholm University of the Arts storing your name and e-mail address to process the registration for the seminar. The seminar may be recorded and published on our homepage. The recording will then be saved and handled in accordance with the National Archives´ Regulation

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