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Camilla Damkjaer

Camilla Damkjaer

What do you teach at SKH?
One part of my work concerns the coordination of programs and courses within the department of performing arts. I also teach in different courses, focusing on for instance artistic reflection, methodologies in artistic research, bodily practices within the performing arts, performing arts history and more.

Is there anything in your practice you would like to highlight?
My research concerns the performing arts, bodily practices, philosophies of the body and first-person methodologies of research. My research focuses especially on the analysis of the phenomenal and socially constructed experiences circus, dance and yoga. Theoretically, my work draws, among other things, phenomenology, Deleuzian scholarship, feminist and post-colonial theory. I am also particularly concerned with the historical, discursive and geo-political implications involved in performing arts and bodily practices.

What is important for you as a teacher?
In my work I wish to contribute to a deepened understanding of the historical and social aspects of the performing arts and how they act within today’s practices.

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