Lena Stefenson
- Assistant Professor of Mime Figuration
- Department: Department 1
- Email: lena.stefenson@uniarts.se
- Telephone number: +46 8 49 400 640
I have been working at SKH since 2010.
Before I came to the university, I was a mime-actor and choreographing director with more than 35 productions behind me.
I teach in the field of mime-acting, scenic figuration, dramaturgy and the creation of performances. My subjects provide students with guidance both in the actor's inner workings and the scenic collaboration with others. I focus on teaching both the creation of one's own ideas and how to work in various co-creative forms.
The Mime Acting training, where I teach most of my time, is important because it provides a foundation in physical acting and also trains actors to be able to move freely in all areas of the performing arts.
I have written a book called Rörelsen först – om regi för rörelsebaserad scenkonst. There I write about my work as a choreographer / director.