

Since the beginning, the focus of SKH has been to create an environment that enables artistic research to be carried out between active researchers, doctoral students, artists, teachers and students at all levels of education. We have around 50 ongoing research and development projects.

Since 2016, SKH has been authorised to award doctoral degrees in artistic practices, and we offer third cycle studies in the subject area Performative and Media-Based Practices.

SKH's research area is Artistic Practices. This means that all research is carried out from the starting point of artistic practice in some way or other. The four subject specialisations included in the area are Film and Media, Choreography, Opera and Performing Arts.

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    • About research

      At SKH, research is conducted on an artistic basis and SKH's research area is Artistic Practices. This means that all research is carried out from the starting point of artistic practice in some way or other.

    • A few people under a tree

      Do your research at SKH

      Third-cycle studies within the arts are a central part of the research environment at Stockholm University of the Arts, SKH. Since 2016, SKH has been authorised to award doctoral degrees in artistic practices, and offers third cycle studies in the subject area Performative and Media-Based Practices.

    • VIS – Nordic Journal for Artistic Research

      VIS is a digital journal about artistic research that is published biannually. Each issue has a theme, and the peer-review process is dialogue-based.

    • Research conferences

      Read more about our Research Week and the international conference Alliances and Commonalities.

    • Research collaboration

      SKH conducts research, education and collaboration with various stakeholders and actors in society.

    • Research portals

      SKH uses the DiVA and Research Catalogue databases to disseminate, archive and/or publish artistic research.

    • Seminar Series

      SKH organizes, in addition to regular conferences, seminar series in various forms where artistic research is in focus. Here you can read about the seminar series "Art Talks” and "A Season of Black Study".

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