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”Dance Studio/Clearing Conversations” by Chrysa Parkinson and Frank Bock
Development Work

”Dance Studio/Clearing Conversations” by Chrysa Parkinson and Frank Bock

“Dance Studio/Clearing Conversations – Conversations with dance knowledge” is a development work by Chrysa Parkinson, Professor of Dance, and Frank Bock, Senior Lecturer in Choreography.

The research is a conversation format that prioritizes movement between textures, atmospheres, qualities, and metaphors to express meaning and knowledge. By balancing somatic experience and language-based exchanges the research prioritizes nuances that emerge between people, places and things in activated space and time. The research is experimenting with question formation, spatial contexts and using simple materials in conversation. The process is documented by objects, texts, drawings, and audio files.

Aim and research questions

To develop research methods that can emphasise the authorship, materials and processes of dance and dancers within social and aesthetic discourses of dance and art practices.

Research questions have included:

What is the best medium for documenting dance artists’ knowledge and thought processes?

How do dance artists experience, observe, think about, and experiment with their work?

How does dance knowledge situate itself in people’s lives when they leave the field?

Research implementation and anticipated impact

By developing conversational formats that cultivate a dynamic balance between somatic and language-based expressions of knowledge, the project hopes to enrich the dance field’s discourse. Working with somatic experience to elucidate and challenge language-based experience is relevant to knowledge development in many fields and supports diverse approaches to education.


Main Collaborators: Frank Bock

Associate Researchers: Andrew Hardwidge, Alice Mackenzie, Peter Mills, Anna Westberg.

Participants: Victor Perez Amaro, Fabien Bergmark, Joachim Berntsson, Alejandro Montero Bravo, Louise Dahl, Siobahn Davies, Anna Fitoussi, Andrew Hardwidge, Rebecca Hilton, Marvil Iglesias, Katie Jacobsen, Siri Jontvedt, Juliette Mapp, Eva Mohn, Maria Naidu, Tilman O’Donnel, Ulrika Wedin, Anna Öberg, Maria Öhman





Head of subject area Dance, Professor of Dance, Chrysa Parkinson

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