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”Circadia / aka Too Loud and Too Bright” by Costanza Julia Bani
Research Projects

”Circadia / aka Too Loud and Too Bright” by Costanza Julia Bani

”Circadia / aka Too Loud and Too Bright” is a research project by Costanza Julia Bani, Assistant Professor of Film Production.

Circadia is an artistic transdisciplinary research project about sound and light pollution, combined with the use of advanced technologies like AI and 3D. The purpose is to explore circadian day- and night rhythms and human induced alterations on specific eco-systems through new collaborative methods between art, sciences and technology. We will use novel tools for immersive sensory experiences to display the seen and unseen, the heard and unheard and contribute to societal change. Curated workshops will create new knowledge merging ecology, ophthalmology, philosophy, visual and interactive communication with biology and artistic practices in the field of eco-narratives.

Aim and research questions

Our aim is to place artistic research in a context of relevant topics that are a direct consequence of our current lifestyle. How can Art become part of a transformation? What approaches can create experiences that initiate engagement? Circadia wants to establish synergies between art, science and technology to preserve the past, record the present and ideally capture the future.

Research implementation and anticipated impact

The research will be carried out through workshops among the interested disciplines. By 2026 Circadia will be presented on the Research Catalogue, in a final symposium at interested venues, like Tekniska Museet and Artipelag. Through a collaboration with AiRstructures we plan to disseminate the research to the surrounding society presenting the research outcome in their inflatable domes.



Within SKH: Erik Gandini (Professor in Documentary Processes) and Jenny Sunesson (Assistant Professor in Sonic Practice)

KTH – Royal Institute of Technology - Division Of Media Technology And Interaction Design (Roberto Bresin) + Visualisation Group to work with 3-D visualization, 3-D story telling (Björn Thuresson) + KTH Lighting Design LAB (lighting designer Ute Besenecker) to re-create unpolluted endeavors // the division of robotics, perception and machine learning (AI studies at KTH); and the Climate Action Center Francesco Fuso-Nerini

AI designer Beckmans College of Design, Jonas Johansson – applying AI as an adjuvant for artistic practice

KMH – Royal College of Music. Professor in music (sound and music computing) Henrik Frisk. He’ll be engaged for studies around sound spatialisation and recreation of soundscapes to be used in the Wisdome; he’ll create a research group for the 3-D soundscapes

Karolinska Institutet (KI) – Institute of Ophthalmology, The Division of Eye and Vision, Dept of Physiological Optics (process of seeing, optics of the eye, physiological and psychological process of seeing, structure of the eye and visual system) (Alberto Dominguez Vicent and Abinaya Priya Venkataram);

Tekniska Museet / Wisdome – will offer an arena for the implementation

Gösta Ekman’s Lab at the Department of Psychology at the Stockholm University, Mats Nilsson will serve as a consultant for the aspects concerning the effect of sound on our health. (TBC)

A law firm working with UN Environment Program (UNEP) and Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) to explain the nomenclatura to define pollution and the criteria used to do so (TBD)

Johan Eklöf, zoologist and writer, most known for his work on microbat vision and more recently, light pollution


University of Exeter, UK Environment and Sustainability Institute (biodiversity and conservation studies, Professor Kevin Gaston and photographer

MJ SHARP, exploring his research through the art of photography)
Leibniz Institut in Berlin Sibylle Schroer – scientist studying light and sound pollution at the Star Park Havelland

Anthropologist / light pollution experts like Irene Borgna and Paul Bogard

Sound ecologists and sound pollution experts like David Monacchi and / or Bernie Krause

Norwegian University of Science and Technology: Sophia Efstathiou: Senior Researcher, Department of Philosophy /Faculty of Humanities. Works in philosophy of science, ethics of technology and art-based approaches to philosophy. Has worked as an "embedded philosopher" in different interdisciplinary science projects.

Astronomers (IDA, International Dark Skies Association), Fabio Falchi / Roberto Ciri and astronomic observatories


With the internal funds from July 2023 to December 2024. If VR gives a positive answer in October 2023 the research will end in 2026.


Assistant Professor of Film Production, Costanza Julia Bani

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