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”HIDDEN CIRCUS” by Marie-Andree Robitaille
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”HIDDEN CIRCUS” by Marie-Andree Robitaille

”HIDDEN CIRCUS” is a research project by Marie-Andree Robitaille, Assistant professor in Circus.

Alternatives modes of composition in circus arts

The objective of the research is to seek for the invisible aspects of the circus practice as a tool to support the generation of alternative compositional methods in circus art.  By alternatives compositional methods we mean ones that are not centrally motivated by sensationalism but that rather considerate alternative relations to sensations and sense of perception.  The project addresses the immateriality of circus through the artistic development of technological extensions and material challenges inherent to the circus bodies and circus practice. The studies are supported by and in dialogue with theories and approaches to identity and power. 



PhD student, Marie-Andree Robitaille

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