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”WOMEN IN CIRCUS” by Marie-Andree Robitaille
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”WOMEN IN CIRCUS” by Marie-Andree Robitaille

WOMEN IN CIRCUS is a research project by Marie-Andrée, Assistant professor in Circus .

Feminist strategies in circus composition

The project raises and examines the question of women agency in circus art. The research addresses the circus practice through a gender perspective in investigating the representation of women in circus. The research focus's on the female circus artist and seeks for a better understanding of the structure of the circus practice by studying the ways in which a female circus artist experiences and understands her own practice. The research is based on the premise that the oppressed identity of circus takes roots in the structure of the circus practice itself.  By intervening in the structure of the practice the project aims at generating alternative models of women representation in circus and favor the emancipation of the art form and of its artists.  The project engages in a female-centered circus making and seeks to describe and produce feminist strategies in circus composition. 

The Research has been conducted through a series of 10 Bêta Test (lab work), 2 editions of The Women in Circus Consortium,  culminating to a professional circus performance Gynoïdes Project - Circus Female Intelligentsia.

The researches has been documented and disseminated through a series of lectures, public display, public discussions, interviews, videos, pictures.

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PhD student, Marie-Andree Robitaille

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